Saturday, August 20, 2011

Menyepi seketika

Assalamualaikum, Salam 1Malaysia, Salam Ramadan penuh kemuliaan ^_^

Agak lama juga saya menyepi dari dunia blog, bukan merajuk tetapi tuntutan kerja yang semakin banyak menyebabkan saya terpaksa melupakan seketika dunia cyber dan kembali berpijak dibumi nyata.

Friday, March 11, 2011

[Tutorial] Divider pada sidebar

Salam dan selamat pagi. Saya kembali lagi dengan tutorial seterusnya. Kali ni saya nak menunjukkan bagaimana nak letak divider pada sidebar dalam blogspot.

sidebar divider

1. Sebelum memulakan aktiviti pengeditan HTML, cari la divider yang berkenan dihati dan upload ke    photobucket atau klik sini kalau malas nak cari :D

2. Masuk ke Design/Layout dan cari Edit HTML ---> klik

** Sebelum teruskan, pastikan anda back up templete dulu ( copy la HTML templete tu kat mana-mana, words pun boleh, takut tersilap edit hilang pula templete tu nanti. )

3. Gunakan Clrt + f dan cari kod seperti dibawah.

.sidebar .widget, .main .widget {
border-bottom:1px dotted $bordercolor;
margin:0 0 1.5em;
padding:0 0 1.5em;
4. Pisahkan kod tersebut menjadi dua bahagian seperti dibawah.

.main .widget {
border-bottom:1px dotted $bordercolor;
margin:0 0 1.5em;
padding:0 0 1.5em;

.sidebar .widget {
border-bottom:1px dotted $bordercolor;
margin:0 0 1.5em;
padding:0 0 1.5em;
** hanya pisahkan .sidebar .widget dan .sidebar .widget sahaja, sementara yang lain tetap sama.

5. Seterusnya, edit bahagian .sidebar .widget menjadi seperti dibawah, tak pun copy saja kod dibawah ni.

.sidebar .widget {
border-bottom:0px dotted $bordercolor;
margin:0 0 1.5em;
padding:0 0 50px;
background-image: url(URL IMAGE);
background-position: bottom;
background-repeat: no-repeat; 
    **Gantikan URL IMAGE dengan URL image yang telah diupload pada arahan no 1 tadi.

    6. Klik Save templete.

    Selesai. Selamat mencuba :)

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    [Tutorial] Meletak divider antara post

    Salam semua :)
    Dah lama saya tak update blog ni. Maklumlah sibuk dengan tugas harian, tambahan pula kedai baru dah launch, maka kerja-kerja semakin banyak yang perlu dibereskan.

    Beberapa hari ni, saya banyak meronda blog-blog orang, cantik2 seh blognya, maka saya sekali lagi terfikir untuk membuat perubahan pada blog ni. Dah lama terfikir nak buat, tapi aura kemalasan kuat, maka tak buat la :p

    Untuk kali ni, saya ingim memberikan sedikit tutorial tentang bagaimana meletakkan divider diantara post-post anda. Senang saja,

    post divider

    1. Pegi ke Design/Layout dan klik.
    2. Cari Edit HTML dan klik lagi.
    3. Gunakan Ctrl + f untuk mencari .post -----> 

    .post {
    margin: 0 0 40px 0;
    width: 90%
    4. Dah dapat seperti di atas ? Gantikan dengan yang dibawah ni.

    .post{margin: 0 0 40px 0;
    width: 90%;
    background: url(URL image);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: bottom center;
    margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
     URL Image <-----  gantikan dengan url image yang berkenan dihati. Sebelum tu, image tu hendaklah diupload menggunakan photobucket atau apa saja software yang sewaktu dengannya. Selepas tu  copy direct URL image ke kawasan bertanda merah tu. Senangkan :)

    Kalau malas nak upload, gunakan yang dah ada ni ----> Divider

    5. Dah selesai tu klik save templete. :)

    Selamat mencuba.

    Kalau tak faham, cuba klik Sini

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    I Miss You, really Miss You~

    Argh~! Hari yang amat bosan.Yang dinanti tak dapat balik minggu ni sebab minggu lepas dah balik. Tak apa la, saya faham. Jarak yang memisahkan kita puncanya. Jauh mana pun jaraknya, dihati tetap dekat.

    Bila dah berjauhan hati sentiasa saja menjerit I Miss You.
    Rindu pada siapa? Biarlah hanya orang itu yang tahu.
    Orang itu merasakan setiap degupan jantung yang berdetak.
    Orang itu merasakan setiap hembusan nafas ini.
    Orang itu..... Orang itu..... Orang itu.....
    Orang itu insan yang sangat saya cintai.

    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Autumn In My Heart~

    Two girls whose destiny had been switched for 14 years.
    Their relationship was destined. Two girls were born on the same day of October, lived in same town, and were classmates in same school. Eun-suh was happy with her life while Sin-ae wasn't. 

    One day Eun-suh got an accident and her parents found out that her blood type was different from theirs. So the whole truth came out and the parents found out Eun-suh and Sin-ae had been switched. Eun-suh's elder brother Jun-suh was the most confused one since he really loved his little sister Eun-suh. 


     The most sad love story I ever watch, and also the 1st sad ending love story i ever watch. Why should Eun Suh and Joon suh dead?

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Full House ost~

    Han Ji Eun is a naive writer who got swindled out of everything she owned including her house by her best friends. Stranded in China, She managed to borrow money from an actor Lee Young Jae to return to Korea. On her return, she found out that her house was bought by Lee Young Jae. In an attempt to get her possessions back, she entered in a contract marriage with Young Jae for one year. In spite of losing all, Ji Eun manages to be cheerful and takes things in strike and the business relationship between the two becomes personal as they start to rely and care for each other. Based on a popular manhwa of the same title.

    Very funny story. I really enjoy watching Full House. 
    How i wish Han Ji Eun is me ^^ ~!

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011


    Sekadar gambar hiasan

    Rasa lama tak jenguk blog ni. Minggu lepas demam, jarang sangat online, masa berbaring lebih banyak dr bangunnya. Ubat demam, batuk dan selesema buat saya tidur aja manjang. Alhamdulillah dah kurang sedikit demam , cuma batuk masih melekat. Mungkin sebab cuaca sekarang ni tak menentu, kadang hujan, kadang mendung dan mungkin juga sebab antibodi tak kuat, mudah la dijangkiti penyakit.

    Bila dah sakit baru la nak berpantang minum sejuk. Masa sihat, siang malam sejuk jadi santapan. Dah terkena baru nak sedar, hmmm.

    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    You Know It's Love

    You know it's love,
    when your heart jumps out of your chest,
    whenever your guy of crush walks in the room,
    when your stomach gets butterflies,
    whenever you think of yourself, 
    with him.

    You know it's love
    when all you think about is him,
    when nothing else matters, 
    except being with him,
    and talking to him.

    You know it's love,
    when all you daydream about,
    is his looks and body,
    and when you can trust him,
    and tell him all your secrets.

    When you feel all these things you know it's love.

    Whenever I see you my heart jumps,
    butterflies appear,
    I think of you constantly,
    want to be with you always,
    dream of you everyday,
    and trust you more than anybody.

    You are my love,
    You are are the guy,
    The caring, 
    gentle guy all girls dream about,
    only I was the lucky one,
    The one to be able to share my life with you
    We are the lucky ones to have each other
    You and me.
    That's how I know
    I'm in love with you,
    and that my love for you,
    will always be. 

    Memories of you

    I will remember you as you are,
    See you for what you will be,
    Know you for what you want to be,
    Judge you for how you were with me,
    Know you from the place we met,
    Dislike some of the things you've said.

    I will remember you as my friend,
    I now know this is the end,
    Even though nothing lasts forever,
    I wish, as friends, we could remain together,
    One day we may need each other.

    You're still the Best Friend,
    I've had the pleasure of knowing,
    Now, the both of us need a while,
    For personal growing,
    We each just need some time apart,
    Enough time to make a brand new start,
    I will never forget what we once shared together.

    My Memories of You,
    Will always remain,
    Present in my heart.

    ~Nina Sabrina~

    Anak Kecil Itu

    Anak kecil itu, 
    Aaahh, setiap kali anak kecil itu hadir dalam ingatanku, hadir dalam mimpiku, menghulurkan tangan kearahku. Aku jadi takut. Ya Allah! Apa yang telah diperbuat olehku.  Maafkan aku, tidak pernah sekali pun terlintas dibenakku untuk menyingkirkan kau dari hidupku. Aku terlalu lemah saat itu. Aku terumbang-ambing kerana kegilaanku pada kenikmatan dunia. Memang indah namun penghujung sengsara!

    Anak kecil itu,
    Kadang-kadang tersenyum padaku, kadang-kadang menangis. Aduh!! Pilu hatiku mendengar tangisannya. Ku pejam mata, ku tutup telinga. Aku tidak sanggup lagi mendengarnya. Dengan sisa-sisa nyawa yang ada, ku bentang sejadah bersujud padaNYA, bertenang dalam keinsafan, memohon sejuta keampunan.

    Anak kecil itu,
    Anak yang tidak berdosa. Aku yang berdosa. Aku membuangnya tanpa sempat dia melihat dunia. Maafkan mama sayang. Maafkan mama.

    ~Sekadar coretan Nina Sabrina~

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Lagu Kutuju Buat Mu


    Kerana Ku Cinta Kau

    Jika ada yang bilang ku lupa kau
    Jangan kau dengar
    Jika ada yang bilang ku tak setia
    Jangan kau dengar
    Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
    Ku menolak
    Semua itu karena ku cinta kau
    Jika ada yang bilang ku tak baik
    Jangan kau dengar
    Jika ada yang bilang ku berubah
    Jangan kau dengar
    Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
    Ku menolak
    Semua itu karena ku cinta kau
    Saat kau ingat aku ku ingat kau
    Saat kau rindu aku juga rasa
    Ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku
    Ku lakukan yang terbaik yang bisa ku lakukan
    Tuhan yang tahu ku cinta kau
    Jika kau tak percaya pada ku
    Sakitnya aku
    Jika kau lebih dengar mereka
    Sedih hatiku
    Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
    Ku menolak
    Semua itu karena ku cinta kau
    Saat kau ingat aku ku ingat kau
    Saat kau rindu aku juga rasa
    Ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku
    Kau tahu ku juga ingin denganmu
    Ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku
    Ku lakukan yang terbaik yang bisa ku lakukan
    Tuhan yang tahu ku cinta kau

    Monday, January 17, 2011

    Mimpi IndahKu

    Semalam aku bermimpi, mimpi yg indah sekali. Sepertinya aku berada di padang yang luas, kehijauan rumputnya menyegarkan mata. Kelihatan bunga2 liar tumbuh mekar menguntumkan bunga berwarna-warni. Aku berjalan, hatiku lapang. Aku melangkah dan terus melangkah. Ku temui satu bayang. Berdiri seolah-olah sedang menanti kedatangku. Ku hampiri bayang itu. Kau??

    Kau wajah yang kurindui selama ini. Hadir dalam mimpiku. Seolah2 kau juga sedang merinduiku seperti mana aku merinduimu. Ku tatap wajahmu, diam membisu. Cahaya mata itu, masih sama seperti 15 tahun dahulu. Senyuman yang pernah menjadi penawar hatiku suatu ketika dulu, masih tetap indah dan berseri.

    Aku terjaga dari tidurku. Maka pergilah mimpi indahku bersamamu yg abadi dalam kenanganku. Andainya kau juga sedang merinduku disana, serulah namaku dalam hatimu, maka aku akan hadir dalam mimpi2 indahmu.

    ~Mimpi indah Nina Sabrina~

    Sunday, January 16, 2011

    Saat Terakhir

    Tak pernah terpikir olehku
    tak sedikit pun ku menyangka
    kau akan pergi tinggalkan ku sendiri
    *courtesy of
    begitu sulit ku menyangkal
    begitu sakit ku rasakan
    kau akan pergi tinggalkan ku sendiri

    * di bawah batu nisan kini kau tlah sandarkan
    kasih sayang kamu begitu dalam
    sungguh ku tak sanggup ini terjadi
    karna ku sangat cinta

    ** ini lah saat terakhirku melihat kamu
    jatuh air mataku menangis pilu
    hanya mampu ucapkan selamat jalan kasih

    satu jam saja ku telah bisa
    cintai kamu kamu kamu di hatiku
    namun bagiku melupakanmu
    butuh waktuku seumur hidup

    satu jam saja ku telah bisa
    sayangi kamu di hatiku
    namun bagiku melupakanmu
    butuh waktuku seumur hidup

    di nantiku

    repeat **

    satu jam saja ku telah bisa
    cintai kamu kamu kamu di hatiku
    namun bagiku melupakanmu
    butuh waktuku seumur hidup

    satu jam saja ku telah bisa
    sayangi kamu di hatiku
    namun bagiku melupakanmu
    butuh waktuku seumur hidup

    Saturday, January 15, 2011



    Ku pejam mata hati ini, 
    Memujuk duka yg kau tinggalkan,
    Berkata pada diri,
    Kau akan kembali
    Menggamit kembali jiwa lesu,
    Kepenatan dalam penantian
    Bebaskan aku dari penantian

    ~Sekadar coretan Nina Sabrina~

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    A Love to Kill OST: I Juk-il-nom-ui Sa-rang / 이 죽일놈의 사랑

    English translation: (jungie@aheeyah)
    This deadman’s love
    It’s not true, you’re not my love.
    That’s right, you doesn’t suit me.
    Even when I first saw you, it wasn’t you who entered my heart.
    Run away so that my eyes won’t be able to see you,
    so that my heart won’t reach you, so that my heart won’t know.
    Filled with hate, you’ve evaded my heart and planted lowly roots
    I love you, and you had loved me but we can’t do this.
    It has to stop and not continue.
    There’s nothing that can be done. I just have to act it didn’t happen
    and stop myself from crying.
    If I hadn’t seen you–no if you didn’t exist at all then I wouldn’t hurt
    I hate you for showing me what love is and because of love, saving me.
    There’s nothing that I can do
    Filled with hate, you’ve evaded my heart and planted lowly roots
    I love you, and you had loved me but we can’t do this.
    It has to stop and not continue.
    I love you, and you had loved me but we can’t do this.
    It has to stop and not continue.

    Korean lyrics: (credit: aheeyah)
    이 죽일놈의 사랑
    아니예요 그대는 내 사랑아니죠
    그래 어울리지 않아요 내겐
    처음 그댈 보았을때도 내 마음속에 들어왔던 그대도
    그대는 아니었죠
    달아나요 내 눈이 보지 못하게
    내 가슴이 자라지 않게 내 맘이 알지 못하게
    오~ 미움으로 깊게 자라난 그대가
    나의 가슴을 뚫고 사랑이란 낫지않는 뿌리를 내려
    사랑해요 사랑해줬죠 그대여
    안돼 우리 이러면 안돼 멈춰서 더는 안돼
    할 수 없죠 내 마음을 없던 일로 치워내는 일
    눈물 멈춰 흐르게 하죠
    그댈 보지않았더라면 아니 그대라는 사람 없다면
    아프지 않을텐데
    미워해요 사랑을 알게 해서 그땜에 살게 해서
    나도 날 어쩔 수 없어
    오~ 미움으로 깊게 자라난 그대가
    나의 가슴을 뚫고 사랑이란 낫지않는 뿌리를 내려
    사랑해요 사랑해줬죠 그대여
    안돼 우리 이러면 안돼 멈춰서 그대여
    사랑해요 사랑해줬죠 그대여
    안돼 우리 이러면 안돼 멈춰서 더는 안돼

    Romanization: (Sabby ~NBK~ (also credit:
    I Jugilnome Sarang
    Aniyeyo gudenun ne sarang anijyo
    gure oulliji anhayo negen
    choum gudel boassultedo ne maumsoge durowadon gudedo
    gudenun aniojyo
    daranayo ne nuni boji mothage
    ne gasumi jaraji anhge ne mami alji mothage
    Oh maumuro giphge jaranan gudega
    naui gasumul tulhgo sarangiran nadji anhnun purirul neryo
    sarangheyo saranghejwojyo gudeyo
    andwe uri iromyon andwe momchwoso donun andwe
    Hal su objyo ne maumul obdon illo chiwonenun il
    nunmul momchwo huruge hajyo
    gudel bojianhadoramyon ani guderanun saram obdamyon
    aphuji anhultende
    miwoheyo sarangul alge heso gutteme salge heso
    nado nal ochol su obso
    Oh maumuro giphge jaranan gudega
    naui gasumul tulhgo sarangiran nadji anhnun purirul neryo
    sarangheyo saranghejwojyo gudeyo
    andwe uri iromyon andwe momchwoso gudeyo
    sarangheyo saranghejwojyo gudeyo
    andwe uri iromyon andwe momchwoso donun andwe

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    Surat Terakhir Dari Kekasihku~!!

    Saya telah mengembara ke hujung dunia, mencari cinta saya. Tapi pertama kali bertemu awak, hati saya terus terpaut. Demi Tuhan, saya tak tahu kenapa. Tapi itulah kebenarannya.

    Saya telah menolak awak. Tapi awak mencabar saya dengan kejujuran awak. Awak tahu yang awak tidak bertepuk sebelah tangan. Dan awak berjanji, saya bukan salah seekor dari kupu-kupu perhiasan di dinding kamar awak.
    Hanya dengan sebuah renungan, saya jatuh tersungkur ke penjuru mata awak. Semakin mengenali awak, saya tak dapat lagi membohongi perasaan saya, bahawa saya menyayangi awak. Bersama masa, perasaan sayang ini menjadi dewasa. Dewasa menjadi cinta.
    Dan saat saya mencintai awak, saya jatuh ke dasar perasaan yang paling dalam. Lemas dan hampir tenggelam, dalam lautan kasih sayang, seribu impian. Dan saya mula terfikir. Saya mengembara ke hujung dunia, mencari awak. Rupanya awak ada di sisi saya selama ini. Dan baru saya sedari, tika dan saat itu.
    Bagai merpati putih, cinta saya berkelana, mencari singgahsana di hati awak, untuk bertakhta. Dan telah nyata, saya tak temui, noktah cinta itu.

    Tapi akhirnya, bila awak telah memiliki cinta saya, awak mencampakkannya jauh ke dasar laut yang tak mampu saya selam. Di sana, saya tak mampu melihat cahaya. Awak beri saya harapan yang sangat besar. Dan akhirnya, awak juga yang menyalakan api dan membakar saya dalam diam.

    Saya sedih sangat, bila awak kata awak tak tau apa yang sebenarnya awak cari. Tapi jauh di sudut hati, saya merasakan, bahawa awak masih belum cukup dewasa untuk memahami apa itu cinta. Dan mungkin takkan pernah dewasa. Atau mungkin juga, awak belum pernah benar-benar jatuh cinta pada seseorang.

    Jadi, selama ini, siapa saya sebenarnya di hati awak? Adakah selama ini, awak sebenarnya tak pernah mencintai saya? Siapa yang memujuk saya untuk membuka pintu hati? Siapa yang mengajar saya, bahawa cinta itu perlukan pengorbanan? Siapa yang memberitahu saya, agar sentiasa jujur pada perasaan sendiri?

    Awak mungkin jenis lelaki yang boleh mencintai ramai perempuan berkali-kali. Tapi saya pula seorang perempuan yang percaya, bahawa dalam hidup saya, saya hanya akan ada 1 lelaki, 1 cinta dan 1 perkahwinan. Kita hidup sekali, mati sekali, dan mencintai sekali.

    Melangkah pergi meninggalkan awak, telah mengambil seluruh kekuatan yang saya ada. Jangan anggap bahawa saya tinggalkan awak kerana saya bencikan awak. Jangan pernah menganggap.

    Bagaimana harus saya bencikan awak, sedangkan setiap hari, saya merindui awak, biar pun pada ketika awak berada di sisi saya. Setiap saat, saya mengingati awak. Seumur hidup ini, saya mencintai awak.

    Sebelum saya menghilang dari dunia awak, saya ingin menyatakan sesuatu, yang tak pernah awak tahu. Kalaulah awak bertanya pada saya, sedalam mana saya cintakan awak, inilah jawapan saya.

    Kalau suatu hari, awak kehilangan sepasang mata, saya akan memberi sepasang mata saya, agar awak dapat melihat semula. Meski pun untuk itu, saya harus buta buat selama-lamanya.

    Kalau suatu hari, awak kehilangan suara, saya akan memberi suara saya, agar awak dapat bersuara semula. Meski pun untuk itu, saya harus bisu buat selama-lamanya.

    Dan kalau suatu hari, awak kehilangan hati, saya akan memberi hati saya, agar awak dapat hidup untuk selama-lamanya. Meski pun untuk itu, saya tiada lagi di dunia ini.

    Semuanya untuk awak. Tapi sayang, awak tak pernah tahu.

    Seseorang pernah berkata - If you really love someone, then let that person go. If that person is meant for you, that person will come back to you eventually. But if that person does not, then that person was never meant for you, in the first place.


    Dengarlah, Saya mencintai awak. Terlalu mencintai awak. Dan kerana saya mencintai awaklah, saya melangkah pergi, demi kebahagiaan awak. Saya berdoa, supaya suatu hari nanti, awak akan temui apa yang awak cari. Supaya suatu hari nanti, awak akan memahami, apa erti cinta yang sebenar. Supaya suatu hari nanti, awak akan dapat mengetahui, bagaimana rasanya, terlalu mencintai seseorang.

    Dan semoga awak tak akan pernah terlewat untuk menghargainya.


    Saya percaya pada Tuhan yang mempertemukan kita. Saya tahu, ada hikmah di sebalik semua ini. Dan saya tak akan menyoal. Saya juga tak pernah kesal. Sekurang-kurangnya, sepanjang mengenali awak, saya telah bersikap ikhlas dan jujur dengan perasaan saya.

    Saya juga percaya, andai benar kita punya jodoh, awak akan kembali semula pada saya. Itu bukanlah harapan saya. Tapi saya ingin belajar untuk pasrah pada ketentuan. Dan kalau pun awak takkan pernah kembali pada saya, saya percaya, mungkin itu yang terbaik.

    Di mana pun awak berada, awak tetap bertakhta di hati saya. Dan di mana pun saya berada, saya akan tetap mencintai awak.


    Maut sekali pun, tidak akan pernah mampu membunuh rasa cinta saya pada awak.


    Satu lagi perkongsianku dari forum lama~!!

    Are You In Love~??

    Are you in-love with someone

    When you are together with that special someone, you pretend to ignore that person.
    But when that special someone is not around, you might look around to find them.
    At that moment, you are in love

    Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh,
    your eyes and attention might go only to that special someone.
    Then, you are in love.

    Although that special someone was supposed to have called you long back, to
    let you know of their safe arrival,
    your phone is quiet.
    You are desperately waiting for the call!
    At that moment, you are in love.

    If you are much more excited for one short e-mail from
    that special someone than other many long e-mails,
    you are in love.

    When you find yourself as one who cannot erase all the
    messages in your answering machine because of one message
    from that special someone, you are in love.

    When you get a couple of free movie tickets, you would
    not hete to think of that special someone.
    Then, you are in love.

    You keep telling yourself, "that special someone is just a friend", but you
    realize that you can not avoid that person's special attraction. At that
    moment, you are in love.

    While you are reading this page, if someone
    appears in your mind,
    then u are in love with that person.

    Kotak Misteri Untukmu~!!

    Ada sebuah kotak hadiah didalam hatiku,
    Kotak hadiah itu aku berikan untukmu
    Di dalamnya ada permata berkilau namanya cinta kita
    Di dalamnya juga ada kerinduan, kasih ayang, kepercayaan, kesetiaan dan juga keikhlasan
    Kusiapkan kotak hadiah itu untukmu seorang
    Bukalah penutupnya untuk temukan riduku didalamnya
    Simpanlah Kotak hadiahku itu yang
    Bila kotak itu kotor, bersihkan dengan rasa maaf dan kasihmu
    Hanya dengan itu, permata cinta itu akan terus berkilauan
    Terima kasih yang,karena kau sudi menerima dan menjaganya
    Semoga permata itu tetap akan cantik sampai ujung nyawa...


    Nostalgia lama~!!

    Seribu Burung Kertas~!!

    Sewaktu Boy dan Girl di awal alam percintaan, Boy melipat 1000 burung kertas buat Girl dan menggantungkannya di dalam bilik Girl. Boy mengatakan, 1000 burung kertas itu menandakan 1000 ketulusan hatinya.

    Girl dan Boy berasakan setiap detik percintaan mereka begitu indah sekali.

    Tetapi entah kenapa, di suatu hari, Girl mulai menjauhi Boy. Girl memutuskan untuk berkahwin dengan seorang lelaki kaya dan berhijrah ke Perancis serta menetap di kota Paris tempat impiannnya selama ini.

    Sewaktu Girl mahu memutuskan hubungannya dengan Boy, Girl memberitahu Boy, “Kita harus melihat dunia ini dari sudut yang matang. Perkahwinan bagi wanita adalah kehidupan kedua kalinya! Aku harus memegang kesempatan ini dengan baik. Kamu terlalu miskin, aku tidak sanggup membayangkan bagaimana kehidupan kita setelah berkahwin !”

    Setelah Girl pergi ke Perancis, Boy bekerja keras bagi membuktikan dia juga boleh berjaya. Boy melakukan banyak kerja. Dia pernah menjual buku, menjadi karyawan sementara dan berniaga kecil-kecilan. Setiap pekerjaannya dilakukan dengan tekun dan hati yang cekal.

    Selang beberapa tahun…
    Berkat usahanya tanpa henti dan dorongan teman-teman, akhirnya Boy berjaya memiliki sebuah syarikat berjaya. Dia sudah menjadi seorang lelaki yang kaya, tetapi hatinya masih teringat-ingat pada Girl. Boy masih tidak dapat melupakan gadis yang pernah bertapak di hatinya.

    Di suatu hari, waktu hujan turun, Boy dari keretanyanya melihat sepasang suami isteri tua berjalan perlahan di hadapannya. Dia amat mengenali mereka. Mereka adalah orang tua Girl !

    Hati Boy berdetik. Dia ingin mereka lihat bahawa dia sekarang tidak hanya mempunyai kereta sendiri, tetapi juga mempunyai sebuah villa indah dan syarikat sendiri. Boy ingin mereka tahu bahawa dia bukan seorang yang miskin lagi tetapi kini adalah seorang majikan kaya. Boy memandu keretanya perlahan sambil mengikuti kedua orang tua tersebut.

    Hujan terus turun, tanpa henti, biarpun kedua org tua itu memakai payung, tetapi badan mereka tetap basah kerana hujan.

    Sewaktu mereka sampai ke destinasi, Boy tercengang melihat apa yang ada di depan matanya. Ia adalah sebuah tanah perkuburan. Boy mengikuti orang tua Girl. Mereka berdiri di hadapan sebuah kubur. Boy melihat tulisan di atas batu nisan terpahat nama Girl yang dirinduinya.

    Di samping kuburnya yang kecil, tergantung burung-burung kertas yang pernah dibuatkan Boy, dalam hujan burung-burung kertas itu kelihatan begitu hidup.

    Orang tua Girl memandang Boy lalu memberitahu, “Girl tidak pergi ke Paris, Girl diserang barah. Girl telah pergi ke syurga. Girl ingin Boy menjadi seorang yang berjaya dan mempunyai keluarga yang harmoni. Maka Girl terpaksa berbohong kepada Boy dahulu. Girl ada menyatakan yang dia sangat menyintai Boy, dia percaya kalau Boy berusaha, pasti akan berjaya. Girl turut mengatakan, jika suatu hari nanti Boy datang ke kuburnya, dia amat berharap supaya Boy membawakan beberapa burung kertas buatnya lagi. “

    Boy lalu berlutut, berlutut di depan kubur Girl, menangis semahu-mahunya dengan begitu sedih sekali.

    Hujan pada hari itu terasa tidak akan berhenti, membasahi sekujur tubuh Boy. Boy teringat senyuman Girl yang begitu manis dan tulus. Mengingati semua itu, hatinya mula menitiskan darah.

    Sewaktu orang tua Girl melangkah pulang dari tanah perkuburan, mereka melihat Boy sudah membukakan pintu keretanya untuk mereka. Lagu sedih kedengaran dari dalam kereta tersebut.

    “Hatiku tidak pernah menyesal,
    Semuanya hanya untukmu 1000 burung kertas,
    1000 ketulusan hatiku,
    Berterbangan di dalam angin
    Menginginkan bintang yang lebat bertebaran di langit,
    Melewati sungai perak,
    Apakah aku dapat bertemu denganmu kembali?
    Aku tidak takut berapa pun jauhnya,
    Hanya aku ingin sekarang terus berlari kepadamu
    Masa lalu seperti asap, hilang dan tak kan kembali,
    Menambah kerinduan di hatiku.
    Bagaimanapun dicari,
    Jodoh kehidupan ini pasti tidak akan berubah”.


    Sedihnya baca cerita neh....zaman skg ada lg ker seseorg yg sanggup melipat burung kertas utk kekasihnya....

    Ada lg ker yg sanggup memutuskan hubungan demi kebahagiaan dan mejayaan kekasihnya....

    Adakah cinta masih lg dihargai pada masa ni....atau cinta sekadar hiasan...  
    Antara cerita yg pernah aku post di dalam forum satu masa dulu. Cerita ni bukanlah hasil nukilanku, aku dapat dari sumber yg aku baca dalam internet. Menarik ceritanya.

    Tuesday, January 11, 2011

    Aku Dan Forum

    Aku dan forum yg dah lama aku tinggalkan. Dua tahun agaknya. Rasa rindu pada forum tu membuatkan aku kembali dengan nickname yang baru. Banyak betul kenangan dalam forum tu, berbanding dengan forum2 lain yang pernah aku sertai sebelum ni. Tapi apakan daya, aku tak boleh menggunakan id yg lama. Dah kantoi dah id tu, hahah~!! Tapi xpa la kantoi, aku tak kesah. Cuma aku mohon pada forumer2 
    ( kalau diaorang regonise me la~!! ), tolong maafkan arwah sahabatku, kerana aku arwah terpaksa menyembunyikan statusnya. :-( ( aku akan ceritakan tentang arwah di entriku akan datang )

    Kenapa aku suka berforum? Tak ada sebab tertentu, cuma aku rasa senang membaca post2 orang dalam forum, terutama sekali section problem. Sometimes aku terfikir, betapa dunia ni penuh dengan orang yang bermasalah. Tiadakah tempat yang aman ? ~ ADA!! Syurga (^_^).

    Sampai bila aku akan berforum? Entahlah, mungkin sampai aku tak larat menaip atau membaca. Yang pastinya aku akan berforum tanpa perlu takut2 lagi macam dulu ( kejamkah aku yang dulu? ). Maafkan aku, maafkan aku. :-(

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    Blogger Design~!!

    Layout 1

    Layout 2

    Seharian cari layout yang cantik utk blog ni. Akhirnya jumpa yang agak2 boleh la~!! Aku berkenan dengan layout yang kedua, tapi bila guna tu, tulisan x berapa nampak pula. So guna la layout pertama. Tulisan jelas, tp macam terhimpit la pula tulisan2 tu~!! hahaha (^_^). Apa2 ja la, janji layout cute~!!

    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    My Name Is Kim Sam Soon~!!

    Episode 1
    On Christmas Eve, Sam-soon enters into a hotel looking for her cheating boyfriend Hyeon-woo. She’s been suspicious about his behavior and she sees him going up to the room with a beautiful woman. She pictures herself beating up her boyfriend and the woman. However, when she runs into him, she clings to him and begs him to come back - like a complete loser. At the same hotel, Jin-heon is on a blind date arranged by his mother who insists that he get married before his niece Mi-ju goes to school. He sees Sam-soon begging Hyeon-woo and finds it very amusing. Since he isn’t interested in the date, he decides to finish it as quickly as possible.
    Offended by his rudeness, the woman throws water in his face. He goes to the restroom to dry his wet clothes and finds Sam-soon crying in the men’s restroom, which she thought the women’s.
    After breaking up with Hyeon-woo, Sam-soon got even chubbier. She doesn’t have a job. However, she doesn’t have time to sit around and feel bad about the breakup. She has done all kinds of part-time work to make money to study at ‘Le Cordon Bleu’ in France. She has a job interview in a French restaurant, Bon Appetit, and she goes there with the cake she made herself. However, she didn’t expect to see Jin-heon there. To make things even worse, her hair gets stuck in his tie pin. Without hesitating, Jin-heon cuts off Sam-soon’s hair. Furious, Sam-soon throws the cake in his face.

    Episode 2
    Sam-soon gets a job at Jin-heon’s restaurant and a welcoming party is thrown. Everyone is having fun at the party. Sam-soon approaches Jin-heon dancing. Embarrassed, Jin-heon doesn’t know what to do. Hee-jin is on airplane coming back to Korea. She’s very happy to come back after 3 years. At the airport, she takes out her old cell phone. There is a picture of Hee-jin and Jin-heon. She can’t wait to meet him again.

    Sam-soon meets a decent man on an arranged date. She feels that she finally met a man with whom she can seriously consider marriage. On the other side of the coffee shop, Jin-heon is meeting a woman. Since he’s not interested in meeting her, he can’t wait to leave the place. He soon spots Sam-soon and decides to play a joke. He comes over where Sam-soon and her date are sitting and starts acting as if he were Sam-soon’s boyfriend. Sam-soon thinks that Jin-heon has ruined her almost perfect date, so she tells him that she won’t work at his restaurant.

    Episode 3
    Sam-soon is at a loss when Jin-heon asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend in front of his mother Mrs. Na. Sam-soon asks him why he chose her. He says it’s because they will never fall for each other. Sam-soon is surprised to see her sister Yi-young at home. Sam-soon’s mother Bong-sook is shocked to hear that her daughter Yi-young decided to get divorced.
    Jang Chae-ri comes to Bon Appetit to make a reservation for her engagement party. Chae-ri doesn’t seem happy to hear that Sam-soon will make her cake. When Chae-ri’s fiancé comes in, Sam-soon can’t believe her eyes. He was her ex-boyfriend Hyeon-woo. She feels awkward about making a cake for her ex-boyfriend’s engagement party. When she comes home, she finds her mother sick in bed. She finds out that they’re about to lose their house because her late father co-signed for his friend. She tries to think of a way to save the house.

    Episode 4
    During Sam-soon’s break time, a woman comes into the restaurant. Since Sam-soon doesn’t like her name, she wears a name tag that reads “Kim Hee-Jin” at work. Noticing her name tag, the woman tells Sam-soon that her name is Hee-jin as well. Sam-soon hesitates for a second and offers her a cup of coffee. Everyone in the restaurant believes that Jin-heon and Sam-soon are dating. Jin-heon comes with a huge bouquet of flowers and gives it to Sam-soon. He celebrates their 100-day anniversary. Sam-soon is confused about his behavior.
    They go out for dinner for the anniversary. There, they run into Chae-ri and Hyeon-woo. One day, a couple comes into the restaurant. It turns out that the man is cheating when his wife comes into the restaurant and catches him red-handed. There’s a big clamor in the restaurant. To change the atmosphere, Sam-soon suggests that Jin-heon play the piano. Left with no other choice, Jin-heon starts playing the piano. Then, Hee-jin enters into the restaurant and Sam-soon realizes that she’s jealous.

    Episode 5
    Sam-soon takes Jin-heon who is completely drunk to his apartment. Whether he realizes it or not, he doesn’t let Sam-soon leave. Sam-soon spends the night in his apartment. Early in the morning, somebody comes to Jin-heon’s apartment. Sam-soon thinks that his mother came, but she soon finds Hee-jin at the door.
    Meanwhile, since Sam-soon didn’t come home the night before, Yi-young goes to the restaurant where she’s working. She sits at the table and orders the food, but she doesn’t even touch the food. The chef-in-charge thinks it strange and comes to Yi-young’s table to check if everything’s okay. Hee-jin and Jin-heon face each other later. Jin-heon asks Hee-jin if she has someone else. He asks her how come he couldn’t find her name at any school even though she told him that she would be a student there. He confronts her and screams at her, which makes Hee-jin very sad. 

    Episode 6
    Hyeon-woo who was Sam-soon’s ex-boyfriend asks her to make a cake for his engagement party. Furious about him, Sam-soon thinks about putting very spicy peppers into the cake, but soon decides not to.
    Swallowing her tears, she ends up making a beautiful cake. Jin-heon sees Sam-soon trying to play the piano and decides to teach her how to play. They have a talk over brandy and some cake. Suddenly, they feel awkward about being together. Sam-soon gets up from her seat to go home, but she almost falls because of the brandy she drank. Jin-heon grasps her so she doesn’t fall down. It’s raining outside. They feel much closer to each other. Sam-soon feels that her heart is racing with excitement. 

    Episode 7
    Jin-heon and Sam-soon are at the grand opening party of the hotel that Jin-heon’s family owns on Jeju Island. Hyeon-woo and Chae-ri are there, as well. Jin-heon sees Hyeon-woo talking to Sam-soon and gets furious.
    Hyeon-woo gives Sam-soon a gift and tells Jin-heon to leave her alone. They get into a fight and make a huge scene in front of all the guests. With messy hair and bruised lips, Jin-heon takes Sam-soon to the room. He tells Sam-soon to listen to what he says to her in the future. Sam-soon can’t help but smiling at his remark. Jin-heon lays his head on Sam-soon’s stomach rests. He talks about his brother and sister-in-law who were killed in the accident because of his mistake. He bursts into tears. Sam-soon feels terrible for him. She wraps her arms around him and comforts him like a mother to a crying baby. Meanwhile, Hee-jin and Henry arrive at the hotel after hearing that there’s a party. Henry advises Hee-jin to forget Jin-heon who already has another woman. However, Hee-jin just smiles at him. Jin-heon turns around and tries to ignore Hee-jin when he runs into her in the hallway. Hee-jin asks him to listen to what she has to say for a minute. However, Sam-soon holds onto Jin-heon’s hand tightly.

    Episode 8
    Jin-heon hasn’t heard from Sam-soon since they came back from Jeju Island. She doesn’t come to work, which worries him. Meanwhile, Sam-soon is waiting for a phone call from Jin-heon. Jin-heon lets Hee-jin take a medical test. He receives her medical records from Henry, who is bothering him for some reason. Sam-soon tells Yi-young that she misses Jin-heon. However, Yi-young tries to make Sam-soon give him up by saying that it’s out of the question that they become a couple. Sam-soon gets even more upset at her sister’s remark.
    Sam-soon makes porridge early in the morning to take to Jin-heon’s apartment. She even practices what she’s going to say when she faces him. She takes a deep breath and rings the doorbell. However, Sam-soon just turns around without telling him what she’s going to say when Hee-jin pops up behind Jin-heon’s back. 

    Episode 9
    Mrs. Na who wants to separate Hee-jin from Jin-heon decides to use Sam-soon. Jin-heon is surprised to see Sam-soon coming to his brother’s memorial service with his mother. Jin-heon claims that he broke up with Sam-soon, but his mother walks away leaving Sam-soon with him. Jin-heon doesn’t know what to do when Sam-soon submits her resignation. Since Sam-soon is a very good patissier, he doesn’t want to let her go. He tries to persuade her to stay, but she doesn’t change her mind. Jin-heon and Hee-jin have a great time together talking about the days they have shared together. At the same time, Sam-soon walks home all alone. She tries to forget Jin-heon, but it’s not easy for her. She feels like crying. Bong-soon sees Sam-soon crying her heart out in her room and wonders what happened to her. Suspicious, she asks Yi-young what happened to Sam-soon.

    Episode 10
    On her way out from the restaurant, Jin-heon realizes that the bakery seems empty and lifeless without Sam-soon. He smiles as if he’s just thought of a good idea to bring her back. He offers her an incredible raise to change her mind. However, Sam-soon laughs at him and ignores his offer. Finally, Bong-soon lets Sam-soon legally change her name. It seems to Sam-soon that everything else will be all right if only she changes her name as she has always wanted. She goes to the court house to report her changed name. Afterwards, she’s all dressed up and goes on an arranged date. However, the date openly complains about Sam-soon’s age and appearance. Since he isn’t that great either, she makes fun of him right in front of his face. Meanwhile, Hee-jin goes to Mrs. Na and tries to change her mind. Even though Mrs. Na used to care about her very much, she doesn’t want her to be with Jin-heon anymore. Hee-jin smiles when she’s with Henry, but he can feel her sadness behind her smile. Jin-heon hears from Chae-ri that Sam-soon is meeting someone at the hotel coffee shop. After he sees In-hye having a hard time working alone in the restaurant to replace Sam-soon, he goes to the hotel where Sam-soon is meeting another man.

    Episode 11
    Sam-soon can’t believe Jin-heon and Hyeon-woo exchanging punches while fighting over her. Jin-heon asks Sam-soon not to leave him, but she shakes off his hand. Jin-heon is shocked at the fact that Sam-soon has refused him. Angry at Sam-soon, Jin-heon tries to get rid of the stuffed animal Miss Piggy, but every time something stops him from throwing it away. Sam-soon goes on a diet. She tries to live on various kinds of vegetables, but she realizes that it’s impossible for her. Noticing the bicycle Sam-soon left at his house, Jin-heon calls Sam-soon to take it back. She comes by to pick up her bicycle and Jin-heon ends up giving her a ride home. On the way to her house, Hee-jin calls. When she asks him who is next to him, Jin-heon lies to her and says ‘nobody!’
    Episode 12
    Jin-heon confesses to Sam-soon that he can’t get her out of his head. He hugs her. Sam-soon bursts into tears with joy. Later, Yi-young asks Jin-heon to stop confusing Sam-soon. When Jin-heon refuses to listen to her, she says that she doesn’t want Sam-soon to get heartbroken over a man anymore. Hee-jin feels nervous about Jin-heon who can’t look at her in the eyes. He seems confused to her. Hee-jin meets Sam-soon and asks her to leave Jin-heon alone. However, Sam-soon tells her that Jin-heon might be the last man coming up in her life. She tells her to leave the choice to Jin-heon. Sam-soon pays back the money she borrowed from Jin-heon and asks him to return the house deed. He returns her the house deed, but tears up the money she’s given him back. Sam-soon is shocked at his behavior. He tells her that he doesn’t mind selling off the restaurant if he has to. He tells her that he loves her very much.

    Episode 13
    Jin-heon and Sam-soon are on Jeju Island again. He asks her to extend their contract. He suggests pretending to be a couple for the next 100 years. Sam-soon just laughs at him. However, when he prepares birthday soup for her, she’s impressed. He isn’t happy to hear that Sam-soon has changed her name to Kim Hee-jin. He thinks that it’s wrong. Nevertheless, she shows off the written permission of her new name, but he takes it away. Hee-jin is sad when she can’t reach Jin-heon. Henry tires to make her feel better, but it doesn’t work. Meanwhile, Mrs. Na tells Jin-heon not to see Sam-soon anymore. However, Jin-heon refuses. She decides to go to Sam-soon’s house.

    Episode 14
    Hee-jin tries to keep her cool, but she’s very upset. She starts hitting Jin-heon out of frustration. Jin-heon just lets her hit him. He hugs her tightly and sheds tears. Meanwhile, Mrs. Na finds out that originally Jin-heon paid Sam-soon to pretend to be her girlfriend. Angry at him, she blames him for buying other people with his money. When Sam-soon can’t reach Jin-heon, she rushes into his restaurant. However, she finds out that he didn’t come to work because he’s sick. Worried, she goes to Jin-heon’s place and takes care of him. Jin-heon realizes again how comfortable he feels around Sam-soon. The following day, Jin-heon and Sam-soon do the seven things she has wanted to do with her boyfriend. Jin-heon thinks it’s silly, but he does what she wants him to do. Sam-soon thinks Jin-heon is so sweet and thoughtful. Now, only one thing from her list is left. Without knowing what it is, Jin-heon gets nervous.

    Episode 15
    Sam-soon is confused when she sees Jin-heon and Hee-jin getting out of the elevator together. Jin-heon asks her not to misunderstand him, but she tells him that she still feels that three people are involved in their relationship. Sam-soon goes to Hee-jin’s house when she hears that Hee-jin is sick. Hee-jin has a hard time understanding Sam-soon who has brought the food to her love rival. Hee-jin asks her to leave her alone, but Sam-soon insists on eating some food. Hee-jin who has been very patient with Sam-soon finally grasps Sam-soon by her hair. Henry walks in the room and is surprised to see the two women fighting. Hee-jin decides to go back to the US where her parents are living. After giving it a lot of thought, she asks Jin-heon to accompany her to the US. 

    Episode 16 (Final Episode)
    Jin-heon leaves for the US saying that he will be back in a week. However, it’s been three months since he left. Sam-soon hasn’t heard from him since then. She can’t understand how Jin-heon can do this to her. She really wanted to make it work out this time without getting heartbroken, but the reality only disappoints her and breaks her heart again. Sam-soon is on her way to meet the man she ran into twice on the blind date. When she’s about to leave the house, she’s shocked to see the person who stops the car she’s in. Jin-heon is standing there and staring at Sam-soon. The first thing he says to her in three months is “Are you two-timing on me?” Sam-soon can’t believe what is happening before her very eyes. 


    Funny couple~hahahaha~!!
    So sweet ending~ (^_^)