Thursday, January 20, 2011

You Know It's Love

You know it's love,
when your heart jumps out of your chest,
whenever your guy of crush walks in the room,
when your stomach gets butterflies,
whenever you think of yourself, 
with him.

You know it's love
when all you think about is him,
when nothing else matters, 
except being with him,
and talking to him.

You know it's love,
when all you daydream about,
is his looks and body,
and when you can trust him,
and tell him all your secrets.

When you feel all these things you know it's love.

Whenever I see you my heart jumps,
butterflies appear,
I think of you constantly,
want to be with you always,
dream of you everyday,
and trust you more than anybody.

You are my love,
You are are the guy,
The caring, 
gentle guy all girls dream about,
only I was the lucky one,
The one to be able to share my life with you
We are the lucky ones to have each other
You and me.
That's how I know
I'm in love with you,
and that my love for you,
will always be. 

Memories of you

I will remember you as you are,
See you for what you will be,
Know you for what you want to be,
Judge you for how you were with me,
Know you from the place we met,
Dislike some of the things you've said.

I will remember you as my friend,
I now know this is the end,
Even though nothing lasts forever,
I wish, as friends, we could remain together,
One day we may need each other.

You're still the Best Friend,
I've had the pleasure of knowing,
Now, the both of us need a while,
For personal growing,
We each just need some time apart,
Enough time to make a brand new start,
I will never forget what we once shared together.

My Memories of You,
Will always remain,
Present in my heart.

~Nina Sabrina~

Anak Kecil Itu

Anak kecil itu, 
Aaahh, setiap kali anak kecil itu hadir dalam ingatanku, hadir dalam mimpiku, menghulurkan tangan kearahku. Aku jadi takut. Ya Allah! Apa yang telah diperbuat olehku.  Maafkan aku, tidak pernah sekali pun terlintas dibenakku untuk menyingkirkan kau dari hidupku. Aku terlalu lemah saat itu. Aku terumbang-ambing kerana kegilaanku pada kenikmatan dunia. Memang indah namun penghujung sengsara!

Anak kecil itu,
Kadang-kadang tersenyum padaku, kadang-kadang menangis. Aduh!! Pilu hatiku mendengar tangisannya. Ku pejam mata, ku tutup telinga. Aku tidak sanggup lagi mendengarnya. Dengan sisa-sisa nyawa yang ada, ku bentang sejadah bersujud padaNYA, bertenang dalam keinsafan, memohon sejuta keampunan.

Anak kecil itu,
Anak yang tidak berdosa. Aku yang berdosa. Aku membuangnya tanpa sempat dia melihat dunia. Maafkan mama sayang. Maafkan mama.

~Sekadar coretan Nina Sabrina~